Exciting news! OakLeaf East & West POA is proud to offer an Association office that is located right in the heart of OakLeaf. Conveniently located at 518 Hollyberry Lane, Suite 108, this office is the central hub for all Association matters such as management workflow, document storage, payment drop-offs, and a place to get your answers to all your billing questions. It serves as a place for meetings with Committees, the Board, our attorneys, Oakleaf owners, and much more.
The Association office offers boundless opportunities for our OakLeaf residents. There will be more ease with providing ARB guidance for those who need additional assistance. With sensitive matters like violations or accounting issues, members can make an appointment to discuss them in person. Mailbox troubles? Members will be able to make any mailbox purchasing needs right on-site. Real estate signage will be available, and the Association will be available to interface with real estate agents, title companies, property managers, and institutional investor contacts.
Best of all, the office allows for improved brand awareness of the Association for our community as a whole. Members can meet with the Association in a formal office setting, face-to-face, and not just via email or phone. This promotes a better sense of community, increases the Association’s presence, and makes it easier to form or strengthen relationships with our members.
Thanks for being part of our Oakleaf family!